Its been a while since i last posted, so figured it was time for an update.......
Lots has been going on, we have been busy bees, i have finally got a meeting at the high school sorted to see what help is available for my 12yr old son, i am hoping they will actually get round to starting his Educational Statement of Special Needs, which in truth should have been done years ago, but what should happen and what does happen can be two very different things. I am hoping that Autism support will be called in and a meeting of various peoples(psychologists, support workers and the such like) will follow, hopefully something will be put in place soon, preferably before he gets expelled for bad behaviour and being oppositional towards the teachers authority. His pediatrician seems to think if he's not coping then he may need a new placement, but i am hoping things will sort themselves out. He is an intelligent child, as are all aspergers children, who can do all the work he is set, but chooses not to and refuses not to on a regular basis. So now all but two of his targets are behind, which is causing concern.
On the weight front, i've not managed to lose what i wanted so far, but i have lost some, partly due to my knee injury and not being to exercise and partly because i still eat copious amounts of crap, but i have managed to stay on track the last few days so hopefully i will stay on track and lose some more. i doubt i will lose the 3 stone by May as originally intended but hopefully 2. we will see.
I bought my Hammerfall tickets today.....I am SOOOOOO excited......i can't wait, we won't be able to drink as we are having to drive 135 miles to see them at Nottingham, a 2 1/2 hour drive each way, but it will be so worth it!!! We could have gone to London, its the same distance, but we would have to catch 3 trains to get to the venue and to get back on the last train to Norwich we would most probably have to leave early and miss some of the either way we can't win and have it all. It does annoy me that we don't get more bands in the east of England. Don't get me wrong we do get them, we have had W.A.S.P, Motorhead, Saxon, Megadeth, Him, Trivium, Stone Gods, Airbourne, The Almighty, Queensryche to name a few, but the majority of bands do seem to go up the center of the UK, and we end up having to travel ludicrous mileage to see them.
At last there seems to be some reprieve from the snow and ice, but i think we will be getting more....this has definitely been one of the worst winters in few years and i won't be sorry to see it go.
Its lunch time so i better go, the masses are pestering me for food, most probably do another update later.......
Have fun,
catch ya laters...