Monday, 30 August 2010

General update

Well as i've not updated it for a bit as we've been busy, here goes:)

Its been the summer holidays and we have had really quite crap weather. Not been hot enough to use the pool, so thats sat there the last few weeks unused,had a few park trips and we have grown HUGE sunflowers which started out with 12 and now are down to 2 because of a) wanky local kids who thought it would be fun to come into the garden and pull them down(this happened twice) b) gale force winds and c) lots of year i'm putting them out the back. My 5 year old daughter loved her sunflowers and got very upset when the kids came and ripped them up. We have also successfully grown some tomatoes and we have hatched some butterflies:) We currently have two painted lady butterflies in a net habitat, one got stuck coming out of her cocoon in the middle of the night and as a consequence we had to help her out but by the time we did her wings had already dried folded up so we will have to keep her as a pet until she dies, she is still quite spritely though!. The other one is fine and we will be releasing her at the weekend.
Our youngest daughter Gemma turned 3 a couple of weeks ago and we are preparing for our other daughter Katie who will be 6 on wednesday, cue party at a play warehouse as i really can't be arsed with having one at home.

We went to see Sepultura, with Gama Bomb and local band Shrapnel supporting at the Waterfront and all i can say is WOW what a gig, from the minute Shrapnel stepped on the stage and started playing till the end of Sepultura, it was thrash, thrash and more thrash, with a side serving of thrash :) Normally at gigs there is one of the bands who aren't that good, but i can honestly say that all three kicked ass!! i shouted so much i couldn't speak for 3 days which pleased the kids no end and they took full advantadge of it! and it took over a week to talk properly:) and i even managed to get a bass pick from Sepultura so was really pleased with the evening.

They all go back to school on friday(friday?), and i have to attend a nursery morning with Gemma ahead of her start at nursery in a couple of weeks time. It willl be a bit odd not having any of them at home but i can think of a few things i can do with them not here!! Aiden will be starting the second year of his GCSE's and preparing for his exams and we will have to start looking at the options for Aaron who will be starting his GCSE's next september, so it will be all go go go for a bit. Apart fom that just the usual shit has happened, apart from one other thing but thats going in a post all of its own......

Have fun, till next time,


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